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Commentary by Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad (may Allah be pleased with him). The most comprehensive commentary on Holy Quran ever written.
US$100.00 [Order]
Author: Mirza Tahir Ahmad ra, 4th Caliph of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community.
Description: Any divide between revelation and rationality, religion and logic has to be irrational. If religion and rationality cannot proceed hand in hand, there has to be something deeply wrong with either of the two. Does revelation play any vital role in human affairs? Is not rationality sufficient to guide man in all the problems which confront him? Numerous questions such as these are examined with minute attention.
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By Muhammad Zafrulla Khan
This concisely written text presents the teachings of Islam and their distinct superiority over various Articles that make up the Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations and universally acclaimed as the greater charter of freedom. The author explains how 1400 years ago, Islam emancipated the poor and oppressed and gave the world the basic prescription for the respect and value of all human beings irrespective of class, colour or creed. Those instructions contained in the Holy Qur'an remain as relevant today as they were at the time that it was revealed. However, with the passage of time, some parts of Muslim society neglected Qur'anic teachings with an inevitable decline in moral standards. The author however concludes on an optimistic note that the revival of Islam is happening and with it a close adherence to the values laid out in the Holy Qur'an
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Appendix B: Supplementary material provide to the mission

B1 Notifications from the Government of the Punjab banning Ahmadi materials, 19 July 2006; 1 September 2006; and 9 September 2006

Notifications from the Government of the Punjab banning Ahmadi materials, 19 July 2006
Notifications from the Government of the Punjab banning Ahmadi materials, 1 September 2006 (Page 1)
Notifications from the Government of the Punjab banning Ahmadi materials, 1 September 2006 (Page 2)
Notifications from the Government of the Punjab banning Ahmadi materials, 9 September 2006
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